The bogey isn't Trump, its all the baggage; Heritage Project 2025. Corporate profits are high b/c there is a safety net under workers. Remove that and two things happen, more labor pushback for higher wages, and benefits, and no public support from defunded govt agencies. On inauguration day there will be tear gas, and Trump admin will be forced to fund paramilitary operations to fight Left siding insurrectionists. There will be a depression like America has never seen. The presence of Biden keeps the Left in check, take that away and you have Civil War, and not the war you thought.

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Both can change their positions after the elections. And I hope in a more pragmatic direction. Both have done that.

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Lets look at the numbers. 2 million plus have come in to the country since Biden's Border Policy.

Yet the new immigrant growth in jobs is less than 200,000. Guess where the rest are--welfare, medicaid and homeless in the streets. This is good right? NO and NO

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Very interesting. I will mull this over before responding. Comment above also interesting. Initial concerns: debt market. Also stock market valuation, boomers investing, but millennials/gen z not.

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