Samantha's RECORDED Live Trading Room - 12/27/24
With #LTR Notes - by Samantha, Rithika and Mikey
Samantha’s Live Trading Room Summary - 12/27/24
Chases short galore!!
So yday I said highest probability with the bearish harami candle on daily chart for QQQ was a ‘shake-n-bake’ Friday - wee pullback in growth plays. THAT HAPPENED:
QQQ not only opened down $3 but said below 526.72 brings 523.25 with overshoot 520 - bingo.
AAPL opened 257.84 today as I called out short into 254.66 - bingo!
META short below 603 for $10 - bingo. PS. Doesn’t look done on wkly.
SVXY same exact bearish harami as QQQ and followed like a puppy dog as well. Translation: VIX was up 10% when I said: above 17.04 means press short. We did. Now it is doing a back-n-fill back down from 18.45 but is not a risk of moving sharply higher until > 19.29.
Not today is my bet. As I said before, during and after I closed my trading room: This is shake-n-bake Friday. And it will return once the US10Y is back above 4.69%
Swing Short:
COST was a lovely rejection at 958 on way back to PT of 928.80.
WMT is a tease but will also produce a gap fill target of 88.64 in time.
Drone & Quantum Theme:
PDYN mentioned it 12/16 as long as it stays > 3.25 wkly close - drone play. Just triggered up 80% today tagging $14. Drones and Quantum have been hot fire flames.
Mikey from our client slack channel #mikes-market-mojo posted pre-market: “I'm still long all these since NOV: RGTI, QUBT, QBTS, ARQQ, IONQ, and the ETF - QTUM.” Congrats if you followed!
Intermarket Tells: