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Samantha's RECORDED Live Trading Room - 5/15/24


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#trading-room-summaries by Rithika & Michael

Greetings. We are two of Samantha’s Live Trading Room Moderators. Rithika focuses on the the chase action for intraday moves. Michael captures a summary of all ideas & trades across all timeframes - chase, swing & trend. We both make best efforts to cover her trade set ups as well as those requested by clients in the room.

For best results, listen yourself. Or better yet, join us live!


Rithika's Chase Summary

Not only are equities higher but so are bonds!
My baseline bet:
SPX 5200 PT now support
QQQ 445.45 PT now support. Let's see if we can get/stay > 449.34 ATH
TLT still working into 93
BEST CHASE Past Week: AAPL to 188.30 with overshoot to 191. Almost there
Best Chase Today: NVDA > 925 TO to 950 PT but many semis are rocking higher.
SMCI into 886; above brings 927
AMD needs to get above 157.70 to push into 164.46
Meme Mania on break as GROWTH plays within Tech, Semis, Bitcoin move higher with my 10Y yield falling into 4.33 PT.
AAPL above 186 pushed into 188.5 next is 191
ORCL setting up a pattern of breakout above 122 can see 125
MSTR holds above 1350 can see 1395,1464
NVDA pushing into 936,943
anything below 300 on the DXY/US10Y ratio is bullish the market , u can see how we have rose higher as we are breaking down
DIS pushing down to 100 target
XLE bouncing on EIA report of large crude draw (bullish). Needs to break/stay below 92.22 at 55D to continue lower. with refiners.
DIS just tagged its 50W at 101.42 and is bouncing intraday
CRWD above 335 pushing to 338
GOOGL above 172 next is 173.6,175
SMCI pushing into 886 above that 927

Share Macro-to-Micro by Samantha LaDuc

Michael's Trading Room Summary

MAY 15, 2024 AM

Indexes higher, bonds higher, dollar & yields lower ... that is the matrix. Retail Sales were soft but...

Sam & Craig are doing a Macro 2 Micro at 4pm.

MAG7 - blue sky's breakout.

Weighted Dollar / Yields Ratio - coming down to test 279; breaking below that would be very market bullish;

IWF:IWD - looking for a change - have not seen that change yet.


T2100 - came back in

T2126 - came back in

WTI CRUDE - soggy sideways. H&S pattern.

Bit Coin - starting to look bullish; watching the proxies. Sam posted in Slack on this. Potential breakout above 65k ... it could be a very explosive move higher.


Dollar (DXY) - supported at 104.50; getting firm.

USDJPY - fading; not sure if there was an intervention.


TLT - expected bullish rise into 93 area; 91.30 (55day MA) and above that into 200-day MA. that is working. nice follow through.

TNX - 4.33% is an area that Sam has talked about as support level. We'll see what happens when we get there.

ZN (10Y) - caught a bid - moving slowly higher.

ZT (2Y) - caught a bid - moving slowly higher.

10/2 spread - expecting a further fade.


SPX - market is excited about the CPI print. Made it to 5200 PT. Level by Level.

SPY - look for a top;

IWM - gapped up but has faded all morning. Still outside yesterdays range.

QQQ - 445 tagged perfectly. Spiked higher into the next level of resistance. 449.34 weekly resistance. 445.34 hourly support; bearish below & bullish above.

VIX - broke under 13.00

SVXY - large breakout above yesterday's price.


AVGO - breakout; stay above 1370

Bit Coin - Potential bitcoin breakout above 65,000

CRWD above 335 pushing to 338

DIS pushing down to 100 target

GOOGL above 172 next is 173.6,175

MSTR holds above 1350 can see 1395,1464

NVDA pushing into 936

ORCL setting up a pattern of breakout above 122 can see 125

TLT pushing to 91.30 then 93

QQQ pushing into 449.3 resistance

SPX 5264 tagging premarket; SPX above 5270 next is 5290 meltup

SMCI pushing into 886 above that 927

UNH above 515, next is 525.6

XLE pushing down into 92.2


China ADRs, Utilities & Miners still working. XLP is rotation. Energy Plays are still weak.

AAPL - 191 PT. Still working.

AVGO - breakout; stay above 1370

AMD - break above 157.70 hourly for a cont long play.

AI - bearish engulfing on the daily; tomorrow should see some weakness.

AMZN - weak today but "big picture" it's still fine on the trend.

BABA - chopping at the 200-day MA. Expecting digesting at that level.

CVNA - the MEME craze has gotten quiet.

CADL - still great.

COST - doing well but we have WMT earnings on deck & this will move because of WMT.

ENPH - blahh. Mess. Under the down-slopping 200-day MA. trouble below 99 ... opportunity above 122

EWW - needs to get back above.

FCX - digest the 52 area.

FOUR - earnings are over - continues to the upside. Now above the 200 & the 55-day MA.

FOSL - popped above the 55-day MA. Hitting 1.25 weekly MA's.

GLD - fine; swing or trend is fine.

GIS - upgraded but didn't seem to move the needle.

HIMS - Needs to get above 14

IIPR - still looks good.


MP - needs to get above 19.

MGIC - pushing higher.

NU - needs to get above 12.24

NVDA - "scoop" pattern forming. It's boring but predictable; you traded it right? Cheers. Strong pop higher attracting a lot of calls. 950PT

ORCL - alerts popped this. Needs to get above 122

OPEN - nice follow through.

PLUG - 3.75 daily is the resistance hit;

PDD - sideways at 140 daily. Needs to get out of 138 and then break 134; it's slip in the middle on hourly.

QCOM - really pushing.

RDFN - nice follow through.

RKT - needs to get back above.

RNA - working well

SMCI - 886 then 927 PT's

SLV - fine; swing or trend is fine.

SPWR - downgraded. Fell back to the 100-day

SE -looks better; slow. Needs to get back above the 100MA.

TECK - shake n bake

TECH - nice gap above the 200-MA's. Extended but it's staying above.

TPH - still bullish. In the right space.

TSM - semi's are still hot.

VLO - 152.35 gap fill. Will it tag or break ?

WMT - earnings on deck. Needs a 61.50 daily breakout. Will affect COST.

XLE - pointing towards the 55-day MA. Watching XLF to join this lower. Soft. toying with 92.22

ZIM - stay below 19.22 for a cont short. Nice roll-over.

IIPR, QCOM, FIS - all pushing. TSM too.

Before you leave!

Please remember I have a great team you are helping to support.
If you enjoyed this analysis, let us know!

Macro-to-Micro by Samantha LaDuc
Recorded Live Trading Room
Every trading day, Samantha runs a Live Trading Room from 9 - 11 am ET for CLUB/EDGE clients - complete with custom engagement, option analysis, macro event risks and market moving news. She captures the move before it happens & sets up the trade for clients across CHASE, SWING & TREND timeframes. CATCH HER RECORDINGS HERE ON SUBSTACK - posted by 2pm ET - except Fridays when she reviews ALL OPEN/CLOSED trades in her portfolios for CLUB/EDGE clients.