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Samantha's RECORDED Live Trading Room - 6/26/24


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#trading-room-summaries by Rithika & Michael

Greetings. We are two of Samantha’s Live Trading Room Moderators. Rithika focuses on the the chase action for intraday moves. Michael captures a summary of all ideas & trades across all timeframes - chase, swing & trend. We both make best efforts to cover her trade set ups as well as those requested by clients in the room.

For best results, listen yourself. Or better yet, join us live!


Rithika's Chase Summary

MAG7 ratio continues higher as they take profits in NVDA but bid up AMZN et al.
While MSFT, GOOGL, AAPL continue their trend break out into ATH and TSLA comes up off the ground.
Hence, MAG7 ratio is still pushing into 130PT & NYFANG is firmly above 11229 WKLY resistance.
USDJPY putting pressure and rising yields along with it
META is trying to break above key wkly resistance of $514
AMZN is trying to break above key wkly resistance of $191.70
NFLX is still bullish above $664 key wkly support
GOOGL has been trend breakout since $154 now $174 wkly support
AAPL has been trend breakout since $199 now $207
MSFT has been trend breakout since $433.60 now $443 wkly support
NVDA has been trend breakout since $97.40 now $106.50 wkly support even though I am still expecting $115.49 next
TSLA is TOTW last week as long as $177 wkly support held. Now needs to stay > 188/190.
Sector Weakness continues in Precious Metals - I am worried about GLD, SLV, GDX with continuous contract gold dropping into 2230/2223 support
HOOD has large Jan '26 leads at $22 - needs to stay > $20.20 wkly support,
The other Sector Weakness I am still spying: XLF, KIE - very wobbly as we run into earning for big banks starting 7/12-7/17. Careful.
I had 2 bounce candidates from wicked oversold: GIS & CELH - both working
GIS dumped on missed earnings into $62 which I mentioned was 400W support. It is up $2.
CELH was a fab swing short rec'd into 200D near 62.05 with overshoot to 52.56 which is D support & 100W. It is having a $3 bounce.
SNAP looks great for higher since gap up > 14.47 monthly support. Pushing next level of resistance at 17 can ignite this to 200W near 19.50RIVN - wowser!
GREAT SHORT at Daily Resistance of 16.32 after this rose 50% on VW investment after hours. My bet was it would fade back into 13.64 (with potential overshoot to 12.46), at which point it looks like a good re-entry long BUT ADD TIME as the inverse H&S pattern on Wkly is uber bullish but the descending 200D means it could take MONTHS to be realized.
NU is the buffet-blessed Brazilian bank that is now offering Bitcoin, that has been a bottom fishing trend reversal since 5.88 now 12.88. Needs to stay > 12.24 wkly support which is also its Dec 12/21 high.
Speaking of Brazil, MELI looks good above 1650 - keep it above 1617 daily support to get up to 1728 wkly PT. Above 1800 it can really move well back into 1970 2021 hights.IBKR swing long is doing well if it this pullback stays > 117 wkly support.
ICE is a newcomer that looks ready to break higher > 140.43 wkly resistance. They are soon able to offer treasuries to trade, which as a reminder is the LARGEST pool in the world.
This week's TOTW as mentioned has been AMZN which may digest 191.70 breakout area, but as long as it stays > 188 wkly support, we be good!! 

CCL chase yday above 17 daily trendline support has pushed into 18.34 wkly PT. Basing above 17.83 wkly support is healthy and still see 19 at 200D
CVNA nice digestion on 99 wkly support, and now above 115 Mo resistance gives it my 132.55 soon
In follow up to short PTs given yday:
AMD into 151
SMCI back down to 800 break can see 745
Also, GDP Q1 release with jobless claims premarket Thursday.
Expect some shake-n-bake!!
Rithika chase summary notes:
NVDA 125 becomes pivot, below that we come back down to 116
MELI above 1649 into 1721
CCJ breaking down into the 47 area
XLF below 40.94 for 40.4
BABA coming down to 72.81 below 74
AVAV above 200, catching a bid
FDX needs to digest above 282 to stabilize
SNAP needs to trigger above 16.5 to trigger higher 

Share Macro-to-Micro by Samantha LaDuc

Michael's Trading Room Summary

JUNE 26, 2024 AM

MAG7 - still sideways - still chopping & still above the 10-day MA. Still expecting a push higher.

Weighted Dollar / Yields Ratio - broke above 280 - looks poised to finally leave the range it has developed over the last week or so.

IWF:IWD - solid reversal yesterday - pushing back towards the highs ... this morning it's where we left it (closed at the HOD yesterday).

WTI CRUDE - Still inside Friday range; going no-where yet.

GOLD (futures) - fell to test the 2310 which has broke in the premarket. Looking for 2230 PT.

Nat Gas - bahhh ... looks poised to break below the LOW ... then test 2.75 daily.

Bit Coin - 62k daily resistance held for the second day; yet .. so far ... no smack-down there. Weak. If we see DXY rise more - we could see this sell off more.


Dollar (DXY) - popped above 106 this morning. Very bullish the DXY ... 106.20 is the next level Sam is looking for.

USDJPY - popped above 160 this morning. They have news tonight as well. Watching for any sort of intervention. Sharp downgrade in the GDP.

EURJPY - Still fighting the daily / weekly resistance at 171.605... price pulled back without hitting it and has fallen farther from there... still bullish daily / weekly... still holding these highs and looking dangerous.

EURUSD - 1.067 support daily getting tested.


TLT - Large gap down - now lows on the week. 94.50 daily resistance held like a champ. Digesting. Extended intraday.

TNX - gapped up into resistance at 4.30%... but will it get above & stick that landing? Sideways to lower is the bias.

ZN (10Y) - falling

ZT (2Y) - falling

10/2 yield curve - spike causing a bounce.


NYSE - yesterday it tested Monday's lows & rallied off that support to close near the mid-point (just above the round number 18,000). Sideways on the week - after such a strong pop Monday brought us above that round number.

SPX - 5447 support; below that we have 5420 & then 5400 & then a possible overshoot of 5375

QQQ - 479 - weekly close below is bearish. We are coming back down. Daily evening star reversal w/ a bounce ... on que. Textbook moves.


AVAV above 200, catching a bid

AMZN sideways add time on longs. AMZN above 189 into 191. AMZN above 191.70 we have 193,195

BABA coming down to 72.81

CCJ breaking down into the 47 area

CCL - solid pop above 17.83 weekly. still going; still bullish. Keep it above 18.00$ hourly. 18.34 weekly resistance; above that PT we have 18.53 gap fill *&* daily PT resistance. CCL 18.53 gapfill, potential overshoot to 19.12

CVNA above 127 pushing into 132

FDX needs to digest above 282 to stabilize

MELI above 1649 into 1721

NVDA 125 becomes pivot, below that we come back down to 116

QQQ hovering around 479 pivot crucial

RIVN holds above 13.6, can stabilize on VW news, could be a continuation of that. RIVN above 16 we have 18 next. RIVN if you are looking for a short level keep it below 16.32 for 13.3

SNAP needs to trigger above 16.5 to trigger higher

TSLA 191 tagged , next is 195, 199. TSLA 193 finding resistance

USDJPY freakout pulling yields higher

XLF below 40.94 for 40.4

XLU, XLV, XLP - should do fine.

XLU - could come back into 66.70 weekly.


CCJ - breakdown to the 47 area.


AVGO - retrace to 21-day MA.

AMZN - still sideways. AMZN above 189 into 191

ARM - a beast. crazy - have seen $300.00 analyst price targets.

ATI - bullish in trend - 53 is the level to stay above (on the weekly).

AAPL - another upgrade; pushing higher.

AVAV - earnings after hours. catching a bid.

BABA - continues to fail. Don't think it is done yet.

COIN - bounced into resistance.

CELH - 100-week TL. great short. PT's have been hit - think it bounces here.

CHWY - breakout into the 50-week. Called the 100-week & so far - so good. The 200-day needs to flatten out & rise higher.

CVNA - just great. ready for a weekly breakout. weekly "scoop" pattern

CMG - stock split;

EOSE - digestion.

FOSL - hitting 50-week. resistance.

FDX - 293 PT tagged weekly. Have to get above 293 weekly for a move higher. If you are going to short this - keep it under 193.30 weekly. It needs to hold 285.50 or it has some digestion to do. 300.00 calls are coming in.

GLD - 21-week pullback by Friday would not surprise. Have not broke the 55-day yet. The Short is no joke.

GDX - Sam does not like it; weekly in a tight range.

GTLB - it's got something. pushing to the 55-day.

GIS - no edge; not doing great. The 200-day needs a long time to turn higher. the 400-week support getting tested.

GOOGL - still hitting highs.

HOOD - JAN 2026 calls (lots of size yesterday)... this is a bullish chart. Near a weekly breakout level.

HD - dropped after getting an upgrade.

IPO - needs to take off; get above 42.20 for more.

KIE - falling w/ banks and insurance sector.

LOW - sucking wind.

MU - massive gaps. bullish until it's not.

MREO - at support right now.

MELI - looks very bullish. 1549 support weekly. 1649 weekly resistance; 1727 PT.

NU - buffet & bit-coin. Sideways for a long time weekly; breaking out now. At bollinger band resistance (on the weekly). If we see pressure in Bit Coin - this will get hurt.

NRG - cont bullish.

NVDA - 125 PT tagged. Below 125 we have 116 PT. Called 115 to be hit & still looking for it.

RIVN - awesome. Saved by VOLKSWAGEN yesterday. the 50-week is the digestion area. Massive move after-market yesterday. Great H&S inverse on weekly. Like it to 23.00$ weekly. Going to take time - the 200-day MA is still down-ward pointing. Stay above 13.64 weekly. Really nice. 7 & 17 hourly is an awesome support - first time it bounces - the second time it breaks. If you want to short - use 16.32 as a level to stay under.

SLV - Have not broke the 55-day yet. Has not broke the 10W.

SNAP - 16.50 weekly has to break. Get above 17 weekly for a trigger higher.

SRPT - keep it above 146

TSLA - just starting. 194.50 and 198.60... this looks fantastic. It's time. 193 resistance hourly. 199 into 206 or 208 area... has a lot of work to do.

VST - sideways - tight range on weekly.

WHR - 98.60 support hourly. 104.22 daily PT has been hit. That is the channel.

WMT - popped up; double support held.

XLE - 91.59 is the level to get above (on daily).

IBKR & ICE - like these two trading firms. ICE getting into the treasury market.

Before you leave!

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Macro-to-Micro by Samantha LaDuc
Recorded Live Trading Room
Every trading day, Samantha runs a Live Trading Room from 9 - 11 am ET for CLUB/EDGE clients - complete with custom engagement, option analysis, macro event risks and market moving news. She captures the move before it happens & sets up the trade for clients across CHASE, SWING & TREND timeframes. CATCH HER RECORDINGS HERE ON SUBSTACK - posted by 2pm ET - except Fridays when she reviews ALL OPEN/CLOSED trades in her portfolios for CLUB/EDGE clients.