Samantha's RECORDED Live Trading Room - 12/30/24
With #LTR Notes - by Samantha, Rithika and Mikey
Samantha’s Live Trading Room Summary - 12/30/24
Happy Almost New Year!!
Lucky or good, that long nat gas play of AR rec’d early last week on wkly trendline breakout potential gapped higher 7.6% as nat gas jumped 17% on artic weather report. Also rec’d, client Anne’s EQT. AND this aligned with Bob’s warning in #bobs-oil-and-gas slack channel to “not short” the oil & gas complex right now given Managed Money Shorts vs ULSD ;-)
Next, lucky or good, my warnings Friday that NDX breadth continued to be weak WITH net selling in NYSE is reason for season we gapped down again today from Thursday’s warning of “Shake-n-Bake Friday” and Friday’s warning of “not done”.
With that, however, I did post 1st thing this morning the potential for NY Fed to intervene this week to keep markets from falling apart, despite the CTA selling and political cluster forming in DC into Jan 3rd through 20th.
Here are the trades of interest I noted - Chase, Swing & Trend: