Craig Shapiro, our MacroAdvisor EDGE Manager past few years, will be leaving LaDucTrading after Fed Day, September 18th.
We let EDGE clients know last Wednesday:
We want to wish Craig every success as he moves into a more institutional support role, and thank him for his years of service at LaDucTrading interpreting the macro for our mostly retail and family office clients.
It has been personally very uplifting to having worked with Craig the past six years - first as a client, then advisor/contributor, and finally product manager.
I have learned so much and clients have profited tremendously as a result.
I invite all of you to join me live for Craig’s final Macro-to-Micro Power Hour after the all important FOMC meeting on Wednesday afternoon where we will discuss the Fed's interest rate cut decision and how their easing cycle figures to impact assets for the rest of the year.
Thank you, Craig, and ALL THE BEST!
Refining Our EDGE
The core of EDGE has always been our ability to bridge the gap between institutional and retail. It has also been our unparalleled direct engagement with EDGE clients, offering macro insights and actionable trade support when and how clients need it. That doesn’t change.
Samantha LaDuc, founder of and chief market strategist, will continue to provide DM, email and phone/zoom support to help clients position and protect so as to seize timely macro moves & the trades that support them.
Hans Albrecht, our Derivatives Advisor, will continue to make himself available to offer up custom option overlay strategies and portfolio hedges.
Geoffrey Fouvry, our Economics Advisor, will continue to offer up his unique arbitrage, bond, precious metals and foreign market research & trades.
We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients continue to receive best-of-breed macro-and-micro research & trade analysis with personalized pro-to-pro engagement - that has come to define the LaDucTrading EDGE.